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60 多年以來,Thomson 精密滾珠一直是針對具體應用提供標準精密滾珠、精密滾珠軸承及特殊不銹鋼滾珠的領導者。 為什么選擇 Thomson 精密滾珠? 原因有三: 我們精密滾珠的品種、精密滾珠軸承技術及優質不銹鋼滾珠材料。


  • 形狀各異的精密滾珠,包括平的、斜的切形、圓錐的和針型,一般用作硬拋光和成形刀具。
  • 鉆孔精密滾珠軸承解決方案,涵蓋完整精密滾珠軸承系列的尺寸、孔深(包括通孔)、直徑和材料。
  • 鍍膜精密不銹鋼滾珠,增加層數以提高某些物理特性,如硬度、耐腐蝕性、降噪及電氣特性。
  • 中空精密滾珠在重量極其敏感應用中最暢銷。

提高我們質量的 Thomson 精密滾珠軸承和不銹鋼滾珠技術類型包括:

  • A2LA 認可的校準實驗室提供有效、高效、準確的校準,確保我們精密滾珠軸承的外形規則性。
  • 提升我們子總成的定制價值,包括全方位的不銹鋼滾珠解決方案產品。 我們擁有廣泛的內部工具室能力,實現不銹鋼滾珠快速原型設計。
  • 不銹鋼萬向滾珠一般用以輔助各種物品的運輸,常見諸于物料搬運系統中。
  • 保證所有精密滾珠軸承和不銹鋼滾珠滿足或超過美國軸承制造協會標準(ANSI/ABMA Std. 10-1989).
  • 通過 QA-9000 和 ISO 9002 認證。

Thomson 精密滾珠軸承材料類型包括(最常見):

  • 真空除氣鍍鉻不銹鋼滾珠(AISI E52100)具有精細表面光潔度、穿透加熱淬火硬度和高負載容量—在自耗電極真空熔煉材料中表現優異。
  • 不銹鋼滾珠(AISI 型 440C)具有最高硬度和表面光潔度,可采用雙真空熔煉材料。
  • 不銹鋼滾珠( AISI 型 302/316)具有非淬火硬度、均勻分布(在平行平晶上測定)的特點,一般為洛氏硬度“C”25 至 39?。 可選淬火洛氏硬度“B”75 至 90?。



Pioneer Steel Ball was founded in 1946 in Unionville, Connecticut by five men who had extensive experience in the steel ball industry. The idea to form the company took root several years earlier, but since the founders did not want to jeopardize the war effort in any way, they waited until the war had ended. In the forties and fifties, Pioneer, produced carbon steel balls for bearings and the automotive industry. In addition, the company manufactured a variety of steel sizes and shapes for the burnishing industry. Pioneer’s growth outpaced their capital and in the early ‘50s they sold the company to Pittsburg Steel with the option to repurchase it at a later date. Unfortunately, they bought back the company a few months before the devastating hurricane and flood of 1955. Located on the banks of the Farmington River, the company took a direct hit and was destroyed. However, it was rebuilt by two of the former five partners who later expanded the product lines to include High Carbon Chrome SAE 52100 as well as a full line of stainless steel types: 440C, 302, 316. The partners also added lapping machines to produce tighter tolerances and improved surface finish. One of their greatest accomplishments was to develop the 36” flashing machine, the largest at that time. This accomplishment was the result of their combined expertise which had been acquired over sixty years in the steel ball business. Pioneer’s innovative leadership continued with the development of extremely strong hollow stainless steel 440 balls for the air cargo industry. They also developed a special stainless steel type 431 gold- plated with extremely high tolerance for the automobile air bag deployment mechanism.

A second company in the industry, ABEK, had been founded in 1976 by two people with 20 years of miniature ball- making experience. Unlike Pioneer, which specialized in small to large balls, ABEK specialized in miniature balls that were 1/16 of an inch in diameter or smaller. With its expertise in this area, ABEK was able to manufacture high precision balls as small as .012 inches and became a leader in this field.

It was this expertise, combined with Thomson Industries determination to have a USA supplier of high quality, that had led it to purchase ABEK in 1982. Once the purchase was finalized, approximately 14% of ABEK’s sales were to Thomson divisions. At that time, ABEK manufactured the miniature and small balls sizes, and purchased the larger sizes from Pioneer, which it then sold to Thomson. ABEK, was combined with Pioneer in 1988 to form Thomson Precision Ball. This enabled Thomson Industries to satisfy all of its’ ball requirements. Approximately 14% of Thomson Precision Ball capacity is still dedicated to Thomson Industries.

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